VERSIONClearReboot will clear the reboot flag on provided machines, if it exists.
CloudSpec returns the model's cloud spec.
ControllerAPIInfoForModels returns the controller api connection details for the specified models.
ControllerConfig returns the controller's configuration.
GetCloudSpec constructs the CloudSpec for a validated and authorized model.
ModelConfig returns the current model's configuration.
SetPasswords sets the given password for each supplied entity, if possible.
WatchCloudSpecsChanges returns a watcher for cloud spec changes.
WatchCredentials watches for changes to the specified credentials.
WatchForModelConfigChanges returns a NotifyWatcher that observes changes to the model configuration. Note that although the NotifyWatchResult contains an Error field, it's not used because we are only returning a single watcher, so we use the regular error return.
Generated using TypeDoc
AgentAPI implements the version 3 of the API provided to an agent.