VERSIONAllModels allows controller administrators to get the list of all the models in the controller.
CloudSpec returns the model's cloud spec.
ConfigSet changes the value of specified controller configuration settings. Only some settings can be changed after bootstrap. Settings that aren't specified in the params are left unchanged.
ControllerAPIInfoForModels returns the controller api connection details for the specified models.
ControllerConfig returns the controller's configuration.
DestroyController destroys the controller.
If the args specify the destruction of the models, this method will attempt to do so. Otherwise, if the controller has any non-empty, non-Dead hosted models, then an error with the code params.CodeHasHostedModels will be transmitted.
GetCloudSpec constructs the CloudSpec for a validated and authorized model.
GetControllerAccess returns the level of access the specified users have on the controller.
HostedModelConfigs returns all the information that the client needs in order to connect directly with the host model's provider and destroy it directly.
InitiateMigration attempts to begin the migration of one or more models to other controllers.
ListBlockedModels returns a list of all models on the controller which have a block in place. The resulting slice is sorted by model name, then owner. Callers must be controller administrators to retrieve the list.
ModelConfig returns the model config for the controller model. For information on the current model, use client.ModelGet
ModelStatus returns a summary of the model.
ModifyControllerAccess changes the model access granted to users.
RemoveBlocks removes all the blocks in the controller.
WatchAllModels starts watching events for all models in the controller. The returned AllWatcherId should be used with Next on the AllModelWatcher endpoint to receive deltas.
WatchCloudSpecsChanges returns a watcher for cloud spec changes.
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ControllerAPIv5 provides the v5 Controller API. The only difference between this and v6 is that v5 doesn't have the MongoVersion method.