API implements the API required for the model migration master worker when communicating with the target controller.


  • default




NAME: string = "MigrationTarget"
VERSION: number = 1
_transport: Transport
NAME: string = "MigrationTarget"
VERSION: number = 1


  • Abort removes the specified model from the database. It is an error to attempt to Abort a model that has a migration mode other than importing.


    Returns Promise<any>

  • Activate sets the migration mode of the model to "none", meaning it is ready for use. It is an error to attempt to Abort a model that has a migration mode other than importing.


    Returns Promise<any>

  • AdoptResources asks the cloud provider to update the controller tags for a model's resources. This prevents the resources from being destroyed if the source controller is destroyed after the model is migrated away.


    Returns Promise<any>

  • CACert returns the certificate used to validate the state connection.


    • params: any

    Returns Promise<BytesResult>

  • CheckMachines compares the machines in state with the ones reported by the provider and reports any discrepancies.


    Returns Promise<ErrorResults>

  • Import takes a serialized Juju model, deserializes it, and recreates it in the receiving controller.


    Returns Promise<any>

  • LatestLogTime returns the time of the most recent log record received by the logtransfer endpoint. This can be used as the start point for streaming logs from the source if the transfer was interrupted.

    For performance reasons, not every time is tracked, so if the target controller died during the transfer the latest log time might be up to 2 minutes earlier. If the transfer was interrupted in some other way (like the source controller going away or a network partition) the time will be up-to-date.

    Log messages are assumed to be sent in time order (which is how debug-log emits them). If that isn't the case then this mechanism can't be used to avoid duplicates when logtransfer is restarted.

    Returns the zero time if no logs have been transferred.


    Returns Promise<string>

  • Prechecks ensure that the target controller is ready to accept a model migration.


    Returns Promise<any>

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