VERSIONCurrentSeries returns what Juju thinks the current series of the machine is. Note that a machine could have been upgraded out-of-band by running do-release-upgrade outside of the upgrade-machine workflow, making this value incorrect.
FinishUpgradeSeries is the last action in the upgrade workflow and is called after all machine and unit statuses are "completed". It updates the machine series to reflect the completed upgrade, then removes the upgrade-machine lock.
MachineStatus gets the current upgrade-machine status of a machine.
PinMachineApplications pins leadership for applications represented by units running on the auth'd machine.
PinnedLeadership returns all pinned applications and the entities that require their pinned behaviour, for leadership in the current model.
SetInstanceStatus sets the status of the machine.
SetMachineStatus sets the current upgrade-machine status of a machine.
SetUpgradeSeriesUnitStatus sets the upgrade series status of the unit. If no upgrade is in progress an error is returned instead.
StartUnitCompletion starts the upgrade series completion phase for all subordinate units of a given machine.
TargetSeries returns the series that a machine has been locked for upgrading to.
UnitsCompleted returns the units running on this machine that have completed the upgrade-machine workflow and are in their normal running state.
UnitsPrepared returns the units running on this machine that have completed their upgrade-machine preparation, and are ready to be stopped and have their unit agent services converted for the target series.
UnpinMachineApplications unpins leadership for applications represented by units running on the auth'd machine.
UpgradeSeriesUnitStatus returns the current preparation status of an upgrading unit. If no series upgrade is in progress an error is returned instead.
WatchUpgradeSeriesNotifications returns a NotifyWatcher for observing changes to upgrade series locks.
Generated using TypeDoc
API serves methods required by the machine agent upgrade-machine worker.